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sales Breaking: ICE.com Sells for $3.5 Million! - NamePros
The Ice.com domain name was previously owned by Glimmer, a company that works with e-commerce and vertical SaaS organizations. Matt Wilkinson of Glimmer told us: "We are about to make some major moves in the jewelry category, and we saw the domain, plus the value created around it, as a reinvestment opportunity."

GeoJewelry.com for sale - NamePros
Industry: Jewelry and Accessories ; Target Audience: Jewelry designers and manufacturers focusing on geolocation-themed products ; Consumers interested in personalized, location-based jewelry (e.g., coordinates, maps, or geography-inspired pieces) Retailers or online platforms selling geographic or travel-inspired jewelry

negotiable Jewelryevent.com | wpcolor.com| underwearhub.com ... - NamePros
Below are some premium domains open to offers oceansusa.com boatlogistic.com wpcolor.com (wordpress colors) jewelryevent.com remindersmail.com bankturkey.com laundryhomes.com vitaminspills.com customerjob.com underwearhub.com camviewers.com GardenEggs.com...

information - More Than 1372 GTLDs (extensions) are in ... - NamePros
I've listed almost all the GLTDs (extensions) including nGTLDs and ccTLDs :) Check them out: aaa aarp abbott abogado ac ac.vn academy accenture accountant accountants aco active actor ad adac ads adult ae aeg af afl ag agency ai aig airforce...

news French jewelry maker tries reverse domain name hijacking
A French jewelry maker has been found guilty (pdf) of reverse domain name hijacking. A. Augis and Arthus Bertrand filed the complaint against Mira Holdings’ domain name augis.com. Mira Holdings said it registered the domain as an investment because it has many uses and is a...

Gemstone - NamePros
Our goal is to offer a smooth introduction to the fascinating world of priceless jewels. We painstakingly source and create the best rough and tumbled gemstones, exquisite jewelry, and a variety of other gemstone goods with an unwavering commitment to quality. Our commitment to perfection...

question - Build a keyword list - NamePros
there are so many drops that even with my 150 keyword list and filter tools it takes a long time to review names

Price increase for Identity Digital's TLD portfolio on ... - NamePros
For those interested, received yesterday from Hexonet: We would like to inform you of upcoming price increases for Identity Digital's TLD portfolio. Please be advised that price adjustments for registrations, renewals, and transfers will be implemented on October 4, 2024 at 17:00 UTC. This will...

sales Kindred.xyz Sold for $27,888; Tutorialized.com for $21,500...
The top domain name sale of the day was Kindred.xyz selling for $27,888.00 at Swetha.xyz. NameBio tracked 524 domain sales $100+ for a reported total of $449,201.00 with an average price of $857.25 per sale. Compared to the day before, there was an increase of 22% in the number of sales and the...

analysis - In Domain Names, How Long Is Too Long? - NamePros
Good article. Along with PB's response, readability, is memorability. They probably go hand in hand. So no matter how perfectly descriptive the domain is, it is useless for branding if it is too long for folks to remember.



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Your Ultimate Guide to Shopping For Diamonds  InStyle

Gilt has lab-grown diamond jewelry up to 77% off in this rare flash sale ahead of Valentine’s Day  NJ.com

A Diamond is Forever presents 67th annual Grammy Awards Jewelry Trend Report  PR Newswire

10 best Valentine's Day jewelry gifts under $1,000  USA TODAY

Grammy Awards 2025: The Best Jewelry Of Music's Big Night  Only Natural Diamonds

Psst: These Valentine’s Day Jewelry Sales Are Already Live  Forbes

I tested Quince's budget-friendly diamond engagement rings that start at $1,000, and they're actually pretty impressive  Business Insider

2 arrested during FBI raid in NYC's Diamond District in connection to burglaries targeting pro athletes  ABC7 New York

Your Diamonds Need Special Care—Here's How to Make Them Last Forever  InStyle

Retail Jewelry Store Owners Report on What Sold Best in December  INSTORE MAG

Looking for a glittery gift? You'll fall in love with these Valentine's Day jewelry sales  USA TODAY

Grammy Awards 2025: The Best Jewelry Of Music's Big Night  Only Natural Diamonds

The Diamond Jewelry Shining Brightest This Holiday Season  Forbes

Famous Movie Jewelry: When Diamonds Stole the Show  Only Natural Diamonds

Dazzle your partner with Blue Nile diamond jewelry for up to $4,490 off  USA TODAY



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