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Birthstone Chart - Modern and Traditional - International Gem Society
What are the birthstones by month? January is garnet, February is amethyst, March is aquamarine, April is diamond, May is emerald, June is alexandrite, July is ruby, August is peridot, September is sapphire, October is tourmaline, November is topaz, December is blue topaz. Learn more about these popular gemstones.

April Birthstone: The Diamond - The Old Farmer's Almanac
The April birthstone, the diamond, is the hardest natural material on Earth—58 times harder than anything else naturally occurring. It has long been a symbol of eternal love, given as an engagement or wedding ring or as an anniversary present.

April Birthstones | Diamond Birthstone Meaning & History | GIA
Those born in the month of April are lucky enough to call the diamond, a scintillating stone, their birthstone. The April birthstone is also rich in history and can be found in many unique places. Learn more so that you can choose the perfect one for you or a loved one.

April Birthstones: Learn the Meaning, Color, History - Parade
People born in April have one traditional birthstone, a diamond, and sapphire as an alternative. Find out where both stones are found, as well as their meaning and history.

April Birthstone: Diamond - International Gem Society
The birthstone representing April is diamond. The vast majority of diamonds are transparent, colorless, and show an extraordinary display of well-defined white and multi-colored flashes.

April birthstone: Full guide to gemstone's meaning, symbolism and more
Each month has its own gemstone which represents those born in it. Here is what you need to know about April's birthstone, the diamond.

Diamond Birthstones | The Birthstone for April - American Gem Society
The diamond is the traditional birthstone of April and holds significant meaning for those born in that month, it is thought to provide the wearer with better relationships and an increase in inner strength.

April Birthstone: The Color, Symbolism, & Meaning | Well+Good
Discover more about the meaning and symbolism of the April birthstone, the shining, shimmering, splendid diamond.

All About Diamond: April's Birthstone - Gemstones.com
Learn all about the birthstone for April, including the meaning, properties, history and varieties of this gemstone.

April Birthstone | Diamond Birthstone Guide - Brilliant Earth
Diamonds, the birthstone for April, have captivated people for centuries with their unrivaled brilliance and durability. In this guide, we’ll dive into the fascinating aspects of April’s birthstone, from its rich history and symbolic meaning to best care and cleaning practices for the gem.



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April Birthstone: The Diamond  Old Farmer's Almanac

Lynn Loves Jewelry: Birthstone Jewelry for Any and Every Fancy  Vogue

Dazzling diamonds! Tatler’s Jewellery Editor showcases April’s birthstone in 30 stunning pieces  Tatler

Lafonn March Birthstone Earrings  The Branding Iron

Amanda’s Style File: Diamond Showers  National Jeweler

Brilliant diamond birthstone jewellery for April  Luxury London

Here's Exactly What April's Birthstone Represents  Parade Magazine

Lynn Loves Jewelry: An Ode to the April Birthstone, the Diamond  Vogue

Birthstones for April borns  The Times of India

12 Celebrities Who Love Their April Diamond Birthstone  Only Natural Diamonds

The Best Diamond Jewelry for April Birthdays  Town & Country

April Birthstone: Diamond is Birthstone for April Born People  Astroyogi

The Best Birthstone Jewelry for Every Month of the Year  Vogue

April’s Birthstone Is the Splendid and Sparkling Diamond—And It Symbolizes More Than Long-Lasting Love  Well+Good

The best April birthstone jewellery to treat yourself to (clue: it's diamond)  GLAMOUR UK



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