Understanding the 4Cs of Diamond Quality | Diamond Factors - GIA 4Cs
The 4Cs and GIA International Diamond Grading System ™ established scientific methods for diamond grading, creating a universal language for communication, and most importantly, ensuring diamond customers know exactly what they are purchasing.
Home | GIA 4Cs
At GIA, we know diamonds. We created the 4Cs of diamond quality and the GIA International Diamond Grading System™ used worldwide for grading diamonds. Top museums and auction houses trust us to evaluate their finest treasures, and our reports are recognized internationally.
GIA Diamond Grading & Reports | GIA 4Cs
GIA offers the world's most rigorous assessment of the 4Cs and grades every diamond with the same care, expertise and strict guidelines.
How to Buy a Diamond - GIA 4Cs
The beauty of a diamond can be most accurately evaluated through the 4Cs. Cut. Color. Clarity. Carat weight. Originally coined by GIA founder, Robert M. Shipley, the 4Cs ensure the most accurate diamond evaluation possible, taking into account everything from sparkle to size.
4Cs of Diamond Quality: What’s the Most Important C?
When choosing a diamond, should you focus more on color, clarity, cut, or carat weight? Learn your diamond priorities and find out your most important C.
Diamond Clarity | GIA 4Cs
Diamond clarity grades are based on the number, size, relief, nature, and location of characteristics. The clarity rating of a diamond is a reflection of the overall appearance of the stone – although many of these characteristics will likely not be visible to the naked eye.
The History of the 4Cs of Diamond Quality
Learn the history of the 4Cs of diamond quality and find out how GIA's global standards for determining diamond color, clarity and cut came to be.
GIA Diamond Grading Scales: Universal Quality Measure - GIA 4Cs
The prospect of purchasing a diamond may seem daunting, but through GIA, an unbiased authority on diamonds, you have several handy resources to help you select the highest quality diamond. First up, an overview of the 4Cs: Color, Clarity, Cut, and Carat Weight.
As creator of the 4Cs and the International Diamond Grading System,™ GIA is the global authority and trusted source for unbiased diamond quality assessment. This guide is devoted to helping you choose both well and wisely when shopping for a diamond.
GIA Diamond Grading | GIA 4Cs
A GIA Diamond Grading Report is more than the standard in diamond evaluation – it is the internationally trusted source for diamond quality reporting by jewelers, museums and auction houses. GIA created the language for diamond grading that is universally used.